Have you ever been somewhere you thought you knew a lot about, but it turned out very different then what you expected? Everyone has but most recently for me was m
y experience in LA. After a long day of traveling with more to come, Rachel and I stopped in LA to visit her friend Richard. Richard and her studied abroad together in Australia and now he is studying for his PhD in psychology at UCLA. I had never been to LA before so this seemed a great opportunity to see the sights. The funny thing about LA is that growing up, I have watched many TV shows, new reports, and movies which have depicted LA and I thought I knew what LA was all about. What I pictured having grown up on the east coast was a city like New York,with a little more of a laid back attitude and a huge beach culture. I was right about some aspects but way off in others. LA is nothing like New York. LA has grown out instead of growing up. You don't see any skyscrapers there. I thought that everything in LA would be easy to get to kind of like NY but it isn't. Because LA has grown out, there is a lot of ground you need to cover to get to your destination. The bus system was easy to use and inexpensive but it took some time to get to the destination. Unlike NY where the subway system gets you where you need to be in no time at all but that's only if you can figure out the complex subway routes. The people in LA were gr
eat, there was a laid back attitude which I expected and while walking on Venice Beach and Santa Monica pier a huge beach followwing. One other aspect of LA that I don't agree with is that whoever said LA people are very attractive was wrong. I'm not saying they are ugly, but I was just expecting to see good looking people everywhere I went and I didn't. No more than NY or anywhere else I've seen. A couple things I will never forget about LA; seeing the Hollywood sign for the first time; Hollywood blvd where I got my picture taken next to Mickey Mouse's star; Beverly Hills really is as nice as it's portrayed on TV; watching the North Carolina Hurricanes (Hartford Whalers) beat the Anaheim Mighty Ducks.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Last Days of Summer
As the trees start to change colors, the days start to get shorter, and the days and nights start to get cooler, I try to hold onto what's left of summer. Yesterday was a great example of that. After it seems about a week of rain and cooler weather, the sun came out and gave us one more day of summer. I took full advantage of this gift of a day by spending it with my friends who also shared my sentiments. Lately, I have been trying to spend as much time with the people that are closest to me because of my upcoming journey to New Zealand. As I get closer and closer to leaving I try to fit as much as I can into what's left of the summer. Luckily for me when I arrive in New Zealand I will be heading into the beginning of their summer. The greatest thing about trying to squeeze everything in, is that you do everything that comes your way. There's no excuses as to why you can't do something. There's no "I have to work tomorrow" or "I have to go grocery shopping." Everything is put on hold to do what you want to do instead of what you think you need to do. I wish I could live my life like that because it would always be exciting and fun. I have never had a better couple weeks than by trying to see everyone and do everything. Last night I hung out with my friends at a house party. We got pizza and beer and played polish horseshoes, ping pong, and pool. It was a great night and I couldn't have asked for more. By the end of the night (12:00 am) Turbo (Erik Vincellette) and I were on our way home when a foxwoods bus went by us on the highway. We looked at each other and at the same time we said "lets go to the casino." Now on any other day I would have thought about how late it was, or how far it was, or why I shouldn't go because I have to work tomorrow, but all of that didn't matter and we went. We only played for about an hour and a half and lost about twenty-five dollars each (seven dollars spent on krispy kreme doughnuts they're so delicious) But I didn't care how late it was or how much I lost, it was great because of the spontaneous nature of it. Thanks Turbo "Lets make some bad decisions"
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